
Marketing Monday: How We Show Up Matters

During Strategy Sunday this week, I talked about the importance of showing up. No matter how good our offering or our message, no magic happens until we show up. But showing up isn’t enough. How we show up matters. How we show up is the packaging that will determine how our message is received and therefore is a critical component in setting ourselves up for success. How we show up can be broken down into 4 basic elements: Appearance, Attitude, Audience, and Delivery. To ensure that our message is received with maximum impact and effectiveness, all four of these must be right. Appearance: The Packaging for Our Message Companies spend thousands of dollars on getting the packaging right for their products and services. They understand that people will judge a book by its cover and a product by its packaging. Slick packaging can get a poorly designed product flying off the shelves, while poor packaging will ensure that a great product does nothing but collect dust because it does n

Sunday Strategy: Show Up

It's been 4 months since my last blog post for Project FED. I had some personal issues to deal with in my life and those took my attention away from the Project. As a result, I wasn't showing up.  Not surprisingly, the Project languished without my presence. When I reflected on what was the lesson that I could share out of that experience, I realized that the most important part of success in anything in life comes down to showing up. Monday: How We Show Up Matters Of course, just showing up isn't enough. If we show up with the wrong intention or in the wrong way, we'll end up being overlooked, ignored, or even make it so that other people wish we'd never showed up in the first place. For Monday Marketing, we'll talk about the importance of how we show up especially when it comes to marketing on social media and when networking. Tuesday: Making Time To Show Up For Time Management Tuesday, we'll discuss the importance of finding time to show up and how we can

Marketing Monday: Meet People Where They Are

Marketing is about delivering a Message to a specific Audience that is Relevant to them based on  Knowledge of who they are, Empathy with their Troubles , Insights into their Needs, and a  Genuine  desire to help them. In order to deliver that message effectively, it's important to meet them where they are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Delivering the Message Takes Strategy and Planning No matter how good the message is, without the right strategy and the right planning, it won't be received by the right people to help it get the widest reach possible. There are 5 keys to developing the strategy and creating an effective plan to deliver the message for maximum effectiveness. 5 Keys to Delivering the Message 1. Know Who They Are Preparing a marketing message begins long before the first conversation is had with the target audience. That marketing message needs to show the audience why the product or brand is relevant to their needs, which requires prelimi

Wealth Building Wednesday: Rewriting Your Money Story

 Stories are the operating systems that run our brains, often making decisions for us before we’re even aware we’ve made them. It’s the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and how things work that drive the emotions we experience and the behaviors we choose based on those things. If you find that you’re constantly struggling with money, it’s time to examine – and rewrite – your money story. Early Experiences with Money Shape Beliefs around Money “We can’t afford that” and “we don’t have enough money” were common stories I heard when I was growing up about why my family couldn’t afford something I needed or wanted.  The reason, I was told, that we didn’t have enough was that we didn’t make enough money. I learned from my mother that some people were “rich” and had more than enough and that some people, like us, were “poor” and didn’t have enough. Rich people were rich because they made lots of money and could afford to buy whatever they needed or wanted – which is where I w

Time Management Tuesday: Creating a Portable Writing Kit

The key to finding time to write when your schedule is busy and you have many duties to complete is preparation and organization. Prepare ahead of time all the supplies you need and create a system of organization that will help you make the most of small windows of time and opportunity that come available. What Is a Portable Writing Kit? At its simplest, it contains four things: A tote bag to hold all of the writing materials you need, a journal, your writing outline, and a zip lock baggie of pens. This is the minimum you need to take advantage of the time you have available to you to write. I don’t recommend fussing with a laptop as it takes time to boot up and in that time you could have already been writing.  10 Tips to Getting the Most of Your Portable Writing Kit 1. Pack it up the night before and check it for all the needed supplies. 2. Keep the portable writing kit with you everywhere you go. 3. Tuck your outline into the journal right after your last entry so you can quickly p

Marketing Monday: The 5-Step Marketing Story Formula

 As I discussed in yesterday’s Strategy Sunday , this week’s focus is going to be on stories. Having an effective story for the product or service or brand you are promoting is an important part of being able to help people remember who you are and connect to what you have to offer. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, I highly recommend that you go back to my Better Blog Toolkit post and get your free copy of FairyTaleMarketing . It will explain the science behind this. Why the Story Matters In writing, we have a saying, “Show, don’t tell.” Stories are a way of showing prospects what they can expect from the brand, the product, or the service. There are two kinds of stories you want to have ready: Your own story and the story of those who have experience in working with you. The Personal Connection Story The story about why you are working with the brand and promoting it, or why you developed a product or service, is an important story. As I mentioned yesterday, though, this st

Sunday Strategy: Lead with Stories

This week has been a challenging time for me and my family. Financial reserves are tapped out and we are running on fumes. Without the help we received from family, we would be homeless today. Things must change, and soon, so I brought my struggle to the Lord and sought His wisdom. I've been struggling with feelings that what I post doesn't matter and that what I'm going through isn't valuable to Him. I have been concerned that my lack of success in selling anything means that I'm not truly pursuing His will and am just wasting my efforts. What You Say Matters. What You Do Matters More. I was tempted not to worry about writing this post. That's why it's getting posted so late. I was tired. Tired of fighting a battle that never seems to end. Tired of doing work that doesn't seem to go anywhere. I told myself it didn't really matter. The Lord corrected me. He told me that what I am doing in the face of my discouragement is my witness to what it means t

Friday Freebies: 5 Best Free Time Management Tools

  I’ve spoken many times about the value of your time. I also gave you 3 basic and simple free tools you can start using on Time Management Tuesday. Today’s post, though, is full of far more robust tools that you can use to dig into your time and take control over how you use it. All of these tools are free to start. Some do require a small monthly payment in order to activate more advanced features. Clockify This is a truly free app that allows you to track how much time you are spending and where so that you can become more aware of how you are using  your time and budget it accordingly. RescueTime This app allows you to block distraction and automatically tracks the time you’re spending on each app you use while you’re working on your computer and will categorize your habits, which can be a useful tool for figuring out what habits you need to change in order to become more productive. BeTimeful This software allows you to browse social media without the built-in distra

Thanksgiving Thursday: Week 6

 It’s Thanksgiving Thursday again and that means it’s time for our weekly celebration of Successes, Supporters, and Progress made on the road to transforming Project FED into a profitable venture that helps low/no-income earners make money online promoting products that support orphans in Nigeria. Celebrating Successes This week, we managed to reach out to 56 people on Facebook using our new social media sharing strategy . We sparked a whole bunch of new conversations and, more importantly, because I reached out privately to ask about the well being of people who hadn’t posted in a while, I discovered friends who were struggling and in need of prayer. Those human connections where we get a chance to make people feel truly loved and cared about are the ultimate success and the true goal of Project FED. Yes, I want to help people find freedom from financial fears and achieve financial independence while also serving the needs of those who can’t serve themselves, but the most import

Wealth-Building Wednesday: Invest In Yourself

  When I was growing up as a child, I often heard my mother tell me that I couldn’t have this thing or that thing because we didn’t have the money. It was instilled into me very early on in life that dreams were the captive of money, and only if money permitted it could dreams be fulfilled. The Early Decision to Build a Business of My Own I was four the year that I decided I wanted to build a successful business. The motivation for that decision was the fact that my mother told me we couldn’t afford a Snoopy Sno Cone Maker like my friend, Erica, had gotten for Christmas. My dream was denied. I decided right then and there that I was going to one day become a successful business owner so that nobody could tell me, ever again, no to my dreams. All throughout my childhood I tried various means of getting a business going but without any guidance from people around me, I didn’t know how to do it. Everything I tried ultimately failed. The Dream of Being a Game Artist Is Born In 19